- this
this(int width, int height, string title)
this(int width, int height, string title, glfw3d.Monitor.Monitor mon)
this(int width, int height, string title, glfw3d.Window.Window share)
this(int width, int height, string title, glfw3d.Monitor.Monitor mon, glfw3d.Window.Window share)
this(int width, int height, string title, GLFWmonitor* mon, GLFWwindow* share)
- destroy
void destroy()
- focus
void focus()
Gives input focus to window.
- getAttrib
int getAttrib(int a)
- getClipboard
string getClipboard()
- getCursorPosition
CursorPosition getCursorPosition()
- getFrameSize
FrameSize getFrameSize()
- getFramebufferSize
WindowSize getFramebufferSize()
- getInputMode
int getInputMode(int mode)
- getKey
int getKey(int key)
- getMonitor
glfw3d.Monitor.Monitor getMonitor()
- getMouseButton
int getMouseButton(int button)
- getPosition
WindowPosition getPosition()
- getSize
WindowSize getSize()
- getUserPointer
void* getUserPointer()
- hide
void hide()
- iconify
void iconify()
Minimizes(Iconifiezes) current window.
- makeContextCurrent
void makeContextCurrent()
After creation of context this makes context current.
- maximize
void maximize()
- ptr
GLFWwindow* ptr()
It can be used to direct access to glfw3 functions.
- restore
void restore()
Restores iconified window.
- setAspectRatio
void setAspectRatio(int number, int denom)
- setCharCallback
GLFWcharfun setCharCallback(GLFWcharfun cb)
- setCharModsCallback
GLFWcharmodsfun setCharModsCallback(GLFWcharmodsfun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setClipboard
void setClipboard(string s)
- setCloseCallback
GLFWwindowclosefun setCloseCallback(GLFWwindowclosefun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setCursor
void setCursor(Cursor c)
void setCursor(GLFWcursor* c)
- setCursorEnterCallback
GLFWcursorenterfun setCursorEnterCallback(GLFWcursorenterfun cb)
- setCursorPosCallback
GLFWcursorposfun setCursorPosCallback(GLFWcursorposfun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setCursorPosition
void setCursorPosition(CursorPosition c)
void setCursorPosition(double x, double y)
- setDropCallback
GLFWdropfun setDropCallback(GLFWdropfun cb)
- setFocusCallback
GLFWwindowfocusfun setFocusCallback(GLFWwindowfocusfun cb)
- setFramebufferSizeCallback
GLFWframebuffersizefun setFramebufferSizeCallback(GLFWframebuffersizefun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setIcon
void setIcon(int count, const(GLFWimage)* img)
- setIconifyCallback
GLFWwindowiconifyfun setIconifyCallback(GLFWwindowiconifyfun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setInputMode
void setInputMode(int mode, int value)
- setKeyCallback
GLFWkeyfun setKeyCallback(GLFWkeyfun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setMonitor
void setMonitor(glfw3d.Monitor.Monitor m, WindowPosition pos, WindowSize size, int refreshRate)
Makes window fullscreen on specified monitor.
- setMouseButtonCallback
GLFWmousebuttonfun setMouseButtonCallback(GLFWmousebuttonfun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setPosition
void setPosition(WindowPosition w)
void setPosition(int x, int y)
- setPositionCallback
GLFWwindowposfun setPositionCallback(GLFWwindowposfun cb)
- setRefreshCallback
GLFWwindowrefreshfun setRefreshCallback(GLFWwindowrefreshfun cb)
- setScrollCallback
GLFWscrollfun setScrollCallback(GLFWscrollfun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setShouldClose
void setShouldClose(int v)
- setSize
void setSize(WindowSize w)
void setSize(int width, int height)
- setSizeCallback
GLFWwindowsizefun setSizeCallback(GLFWwindowsizefun cb)
Callbacks. More information in GLFW3 documentation.
- setSizeLimits
void setSizeLimits(int minWidth, int minHeight, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
Sets size limits of window
- setTitle
void setTitle(string t)
- setUserPointer
void setUserPointer(void* pointer)
Sets user pointer for the window.
- shouldClose
int shouldClose()
- show
void show()
- swapBuffers
void swapBuffers()
Swaps front and back buffer.
Wrapper around GLFWwindow struct.